Simmons set to KISS & Tell

(From Cindy Adams of Page Six/NY Post)

GENE SIMMONS of KISS is the next to kiss and get approximately 100 grand to tell. Whether he's exactly precisely writing every word himself, this even his publisher doesn't know. That it will carry Gene's byline - by himself and by nobody else - this they definitely know.

Since he'll earn less than he pockets from two rows attending his concert, why's a basically nice Jewish boy from The Bronx doing this? I mean, aside from the fact his sex life could make Clinton seem celibate.

Says Bantam's Stuart Applebaum: "He wanted to do this years ago when he was on the BMG label. He called about it repeatedly. Everyone's spoken about him yet he's much more interesting than he's been reported about."

It's a win-win for the publisher since KISS has millions of fans. Since the Judith Regan imprint made a best seller out of even Marilyn Manson. Since this guy is itchy to tell. Since he's into bragging now that heterosexuality is almost fashionable again.

It's out next year. Which means that Gene Simmons of KISS who's made more farewell tours than Barbra Streisand, will probably stage yet another farewell tour around pub date. If he finally does pack it in, I'd like to bid for his makeup case.