Alias- Season 3

Episode: 60

First Air Date: March 21, 2004



DVD: Season 3 (Released Sept 7, 2004)

Guest Stars:

Patricia Wettig as Dr. Judy Barnett
David Anders as Sark
Greg Grunberg as Weiss
Raymond J. Barry
Daniel E. Smith as Steve
Tristin Mays as Robin
Jenny Gago
E.K. Butler
Christian Boeving
Kevin Sutherland

Fan Rating: --/10 (Average of all fan submitted ratings)


Dixon turns to Sydney for help when his children are kidnapped; Lauren proves her worth by framing Sloane as the mole inside the CIA.

(From TV Guide)
Syd wastes no time tracking down Sark after Dixon's kids go missing; Lauren finds a patsy to paint as the CIA mole to dupe her senator father (Raymond J. Barry), compelling Barnett to question everything she thought she knew about Sloane. Steve: Daniel E. Smith. Robin: Tristan Mays. Barnett: Patricia Wettig. Sark: David Anders.

(From ABC)
When Dixon's children are kidnapped by Sark, he turns to Sydney in a desperate attempt to rescue them. Meanwhile, Lauren's work as a double agent comes under intense pressure when her estranged father, Senator Reed, shuts her out of intelligence briefings. But she proves her worth when she frames Sloane as the mole inside the CIA-bringing his relationship with Dr. Barnett (Patricia Wettig) into the crossfire.

(From ABC)
Senator Reed, Lauren's father, arrives to oversee Sark's interrogation. He tells Jack that they must learn the identify of Sark's partner in The Covenant. Lauren advises against torturing Sark.

The plane carrying Sark to Dover Air Force Base from France lands in the desert, 60 miles short of the runway. Sark and Weiss board the plane, only to find the pilots and guards dead and Sark missing. The dead appear to be frozen. Meanwhile, Dixon learns that Sark has kidnapped his two children. Sark demands the release of five international prisoners in 48 hours and impossible task. A shaken Dixon demands the team find the mole.

Marshall, analyzing the flight voice recording, learns that Sark made a phone call and referred to someone as "love" before he bailed out over Arizona. The CIA traces Sark to Nogales. Syd, Vaughn, Weiss and Dixon enter the compound but the kids aren't there it's a trap. They barely make it out before the place blows.

Marshall searches the FAA database and discovers Sark's flight was accessed from Switzerland via Dr. Barnett's IP address. Jack immediately arrests Sloane and jails him. Syd stops Dixon from beating him. Dixon returns home to find his boy safe but The Covenant now demands the release of ten prisoners. Dixon appoints Jack as team leader and privately tells Syd that The Covenant's demands are false. They're actually demanding a Rambaldi object, from Project Black Hole, located in the Nevada Desert. Syd agrees to help him retrieve it.

Syd sneaks into the facility via a steam shaft while Dixon enters with his clearance. Dixon gains access to the security system and opens a grate for Syd, just before she's steamed. Dixon directs Syd to the correct room and she outfoxes a mechanized guard to retrieve the object a cube. Engraved in it is the name Irina.

Jack learns that The Covenant is close to locating a key to operate the cube. The contents, he tells Syd, will threaten her life. Nonetheless, Syd decides to exchange the cube for Dixon's daughter. Senator Reed, learning that Dixon stole the cube, deploys a team to bring him into custody. Lauren appeals to Vaughn to help Dixon.

With Federal choppers searching for Dixon, he, Jack and Syd meet Sark and Dixon's daughter. Vaughn has Marshall misdirect the chopper's GPS systems. Dixon gives Sark the cube. Sark fits the girl with a collar armed with a deadly toxin as insurance that he escapes. Syd volunteers to wear the collar. Jack disarms the collar as Sark flees.

A furious Barnett, visiting Sloane in jail, believes she's been used. Proclaiming his innocence, Sloane asks that she keep mum about his secret. Jack overhears Lauren call Vaughn "love."

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