Alias- Season 3

Episode: 63

First Air Date: April 18, 2004



DVD: Season 3 (Released Sept 7, 2004)

Guest Stars:

Greg Grunberg as Eric Weiss
David Anders as Mr. Sark.
Peggy Lipton as Olivia Reed
Patricia Wettig as Dr. Judy Barnett
David Carradine
James D. Bridges
Rico McClinton
Glenn Morshower

Fan Rating: 10/10 (Average of all fan submitted ratings)


Vaughn is told to keep tabs on his wife's activities, then he finds out the shocking truth about his mother-in-law (Peggy Lipton); a monk (David Carradine) discloses the identity of the ``Passenger'' to a stunned Sydney.

(From TV Guide)
Time runs out for Sloane, whose execution coincides with Syd and Vaughn's mission to snag a Rambaldi artifact that could reveal the Passenger and Lauren's realization that her cover has been blown iside the CIA. Meanwhile, Olivia (Peggy Lipton) orders Sark to abduct the monk (David Carradine) who knows too much about the Bristows. Sark: David Anders. Dixon: Carl Lumbly.

(From ABC)
After discovering that Lauren is working for the Covenant, a betrayed Vaughn is told to keep up the facade of martial bliss in order to keep tabs on his wife's activities. But he's in for a shock when he uncovers the truth about Lauren's mother, Olivia (Peggy Lipton). Meanwhile, Jack refuses to help exonerate Sloane of his crimes and put in motion a stay of execution, and a monk (David Carradine) -- faithful to the study of Rambaldi -- discloses the identity of the Rambaldi "Passenger" to a stunned Sydney.

(From ABC)
In a Nepal monastery, Sark, looking for info on The Passenger, threatens the Rambaldi monk known as Conrad. The wise man kicks the crap out of him. Olivia Reed appears and tranquilizes Conrad. Sark then takes a manuscript regarding The Passenger, called The Restoration.

During an online chat with Irina, Jack asks her about The Passenger. The account is suddenly terminated. Vaughn admits to Syd and Jack that Lauren is the mole. Jack says he should play along. So when Lauren asks Vaughn to come to counseling, he agrees.

Dixon receives intel that The Covenant has kidnapped Conrad. In the Thar desert, Syd and Vaughn intercept the convoy on horseback. Syd jumps into the truck, beats a guard and grabs Conrad while Vaughn trails them. As they climb out toward Vaughn, Sark shoots Conrad. With his dying breath he says to Sydney, "The Passenger is your sister."

In LA , Jack reveals to Syd that Sloane had an affair with Irina. Syd confronts Sloane at his prison cell. He says he never knew he had a daughter with Irina until he reached the Nepal monastery. The Di Regno heart and Il Dire gave him the woman's DNA and the word "peace," which translates to Irina in Greek. Using Omnifam, he gained access to DNA databases but never found her. Now, he wants to protect her from The Covenant. He asks Syd to convince Jack not to hide evidence which would exonerate him. Jack later says he's hiding nothing.

Only the CIA's Project Black Hole has the codekey that can read The Restoration. Jack sets a trap - He leaks to Lauren that Marshall has The Restoration and will begin decoding it with the codekey. She copies his thumb print, using it to access the Image Processing lab to duplicate the codekey, which, in fact, is a fake.

Syd and Vaughn are shocked to find Lauren passing the fake to her mother Olivia. They overhear Olivia say The Restoration is at home in Richmond. During a counseling session, Dr. Barnett slyly suggests that Vaughn take a trip with Lauren to Richmond. Once there, Vaughn hides a sensor that Marshall uses to find a hidden safe. Syd phones him and directs him to it while Lauren and Olivia are outside. He scans and transmits the documents with a watch. Vaughn finishes just before Lauren enters. Syd disconnects her comm as they fool around.

The documents reveal a Rambaldi artifact known as the Hourglass, which was auctioned to Masa Raidon, a yakuza keeping the arkwork in a building in Little Tokyo. The manuscript says The Hourglass will reveal the location of The Passenger only to her father. Sloane will be executed in 6 hours. The Justice Dept won't stay the execution.

Syd bluffs Jack into agreeing to turn over his info on The Trust and exonerating Sloane. Jack then talks with Sloane, bringing champagne to his cell to celebrate the knowledge of a daughter. Jack accuses him of trying to take Syd away from him. He refuses to help Sloane and threatens The Passenger.

Syd treads delicately in the Yakuza stronghold but when Marshall tells her Dixon is at the execution, she kicks in to high gear. As Sloane enters his execution chamber, Syd, double guns blazing, mows down the guards and grabs The Hourglass. Sloane slowly dies as he receives a combination of lethal injections.

Syd later turns her back on her father. Lauren, informing Olivia of Sloane's death, admits that Vaughn played her. Jack, meanwhile, revives Sloane. He had given him an antidote in the bottle of champagne. Jack orchestrated, he tells Sloane, it because he needs him.

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