Desperate Housewives
Episode 117

Title: Don't Walk on the Grass
Season: 6
Episode #: 6.06
Episode: 117
First Air Date: November 1, 2009 (9pm)
DVD: Desperate Housewives -Season 6
Writer: Marco Pennette
Director: David Grossman
Guest Stars:

Fan Rating: ??/10 (Average of all fan submitted ratings)


Bree starts to fall for Karl; Katherine continues her attempts to seduce Mike, exacerbating her conflict with Susan; Gaby gets Juanita kicked out of school; Angie won't reveal the truth about her mother.

(From ABC)
Rules were made to be broken. Bree begins to fall for Karl and drifts further from Orson; Katherine continues her sad attempts at seducing Mike, as her conflict with Susan grows; Gaby gets Juanita expelled from school; Lynette learns Tom is cheating on his mid-term, and Angie hides the truth about her mother.

(Recap From ABC)
We cringe when Juanita utters the f-word during a school play, but we cringe even harder at Gaby's overreaction to the proposed punishment: She curses out the principal and yanks Juanita out of the "crappy" school. But now Gaby has no choice but to home school Juanita, which goes as badly as we would have guessed. Juanita misses her friends and we wince after she doesn't answer when Gaby asks, "You still think I'm a good mom, right?"

Lynette is appalled to learn that Tom cheated on a test at school, but he insists, "There are times in life when you need to break the rules to survive." We're worried when he admits he might flunk out. He points out that she can't take the moral high ground since she's continued to lie about being pregnant, knowing that if Carlos finds out, she could lose her job. "You're no better than I am," he tells her.

Bree is about to break up with Karl, until he tells her he loves her and presents her with a broach that belonged to his grandmother. She wears it over to Susan's, and we groan when Susan immediately recognizes it. Bree insists on giving it back, saying pointedly in front of Karl, "I couldn't possibly wear it, knowing that Karl gave it to you." She lies that she found it at a nearby antique shop and that it was a "steal." She goes to break it off with Karl for good and we can't believe it when he gets on his knees and proposes! She's got issues with his ethics (we can't blame her), but he promises he'd be a better man as her husband. She agrees to keep the proposal pending, if he can get her that divorce she so badly wants. Things may be coming to a head soon: Orson goes to buy Bree a replacement broach but finds that the antique store where she supposedly bought the first one doesn't sell jewelry.

Katherine blackmails Susan and Mike into being friends by threatening to sue over Susan's having shot her. But the temporary truce falls apart after Katherine calls Mike to fix a leak and Susan, who rightly doesn't trust Katherine, finds her bedroom filled with lit candles, roses and champagne for two! We should have seen it coming that the two rivals would end up falling into the bubble bath! A dripping Susan emerges, telling Mike, "FYI, we hate her again."

Katherine is also a thorn in Angie's side: Angie tells her she's sad because it's the anniversary of her mother's death, but then Katherine overhears her talking to "Ma" on the phone. Angie lies that she was talking to her mother-in-law, but the secrecy and the fact that Angie was speaking Italian to her mother reinforce our theory that the "Bolens" are in witness protection. Realizing that Katherine's gotten far too nosy, Angie plants the idea with Susan that it was Katherine who attacked Julie!