Desperate Housewives
Episode 138

Title: The Thing That Counts is What's Inside
Season: 7
Episode #: 7.04
Episode: 138
First Air Date: October 17, 2010 (9pm)
DVD: Desperate Housewives: The Complete Seventh Season
Writer: Jason Ganzel
Director: David Grossman
Guest Stars:
Emily Bergl as Beth Young
Daniella Baltodano as Celia Solis
Brian Austin Green s Keith Watson
Lainie Kazan as Maxine Rosen
Cecilia Balagot as Grace Sanchez
Carla Jimenez as Carmen Sanchez
Rolando Molina as Hector Sanchez
Joy Lauren as Danielle Van De Kamp
Jake Soldera as Benjamin Van De Kamp
Joe Gnoffo as Malcolm
Margot Rose as Principal Harris
John Colella as worker
Jessica Tuttle as little girl
Julie Alexander as receptionist
Tucker Albrizzi as little bully
Jack Horan as child

Fan Rating: ??/10 (Average of all fan submitted ratings)


Susan is horrified when the sexy Internet company she's been working for makes her their billboard model; Gabrielle shares her secret; Renee tries to steal Keith away from Bree.

(From ABC)
Susan is horrified when she discovers that she has become the face of the provocative internet company she's been secretly working for and is now the cover model for their outdoor billboard ads; Gabrielle tells her coveted secret to the ladies; Renee finds out that Bree is a grandmother and uses it to her advantage in an attempt to steal Keith away and have him for herself; Lynette takes advantage of daughter Penny's generous offer to help look after the baby; and Paul purchases the home he shared with Mary Alice, against wife Beth's wishes.

(Recap From ABC)
Gaby and Carlos finally meet their real daughter. Her name is Grace and she’s pretty much a pint-sized Gaby. Juanita also has lots of qualities resembling her real parents, Hector and Carmen Sanchez. Fortunately, the Sanchez family is quite lovely and Grace was obviously in good hands all these years. Carlos is impressed with Hector and Carmen and Gaby is thrilled when Grace appreciates the retail value of her designer purse.

Carmen Sanchez is a little offended when Gaby shows up at her doorstep with a 14-hundred dollar purse she wants to give to her eight-year-old daughter. Carlos lets Gaby know that he wholeheartedly agrees with Carmen’s reaction. But that doesn’t stop Gaby from giving Grace an expensive necklace. It’ll be their little secret. is coming to America! That means Susan’s days as an online lingerie-wearing housewife are numbered. Her dirty dusting was fine as long as it was only seen by folks overseas. Susan will miss the money, but can’t risk having her neighbors come across her online life during a Google search. Of course, nobody will need a computer to catch Susan’s sexy image on the giant billboard picture being plastered on the side of a building. Va-Va-Va…uh oh.

The only way the Susan can stop the billboards posters from popping up all over town is to cover the cost of all the printing that’s been done. It’s about $9,000 and will effectively wipe out all the money she made. Maxine says Susan can make the cash back with some private online interactions of a slightly racier nature. We’re not sure if Susan will take Maxine up on her offer, but we do know someone out there knows her dirty little secret after an unseen figure fishes a billboard poster out of the trash.

Lynette is pleasantly surprised to see how good Penny is with baby Paige. She takes full advantage of this by leaving the child with Penny while running errands, taking baths and jogging around the neighborhood. But Lynette stays away a little too long on a morning of a big math test. Penny has no choice but to take her baby sis to school with her. This get’s Lynette sent to the principal’s office.

Lynette learns that Penny has been taking care of the baby during the night so her mom can get some sleep. As sweet of a gesture as this is, Lynette lets Penny know that she doesn’t have to do that anymore. Taking care of a baby is a mom’s job. It’s also the job of the nanny Lynette orders Tom to hire.

Beth doesn’t understand why her new hubby Paul bought his old house. Apparently, he has plans to purchase a few more properties on the block. Paul tries to convince Mrs. McCluskey to give up her home. Was anyone else squirming during their thoroughly uncomfortable conversation? Anyway, Paul obviously has big plans for all of Wisteria Lane. But we still have no idea what they are.

When Renee discovers that Bree is a grandmother, she books a first class ticket for her daughter and grandson to come visit. What a great neighbor, right? Wrong. It’s all part of Renee’s evil scheme to sabotage Bree’s first date with Keith. The plan works to perfection. Now Bree plots her revenge on Renee, who makes her own dinner date with the handsome handyman.

Lynette says Renee has a fear of little people. They give her the heebie-jeebies. Renee sees flashes of little folks scurrying around the restaurant where she and Keith dine. An innocent young boy causes a mini freak out and a friendly little man sends Renee climbing up a bamboo wall. Renee’s screams of horror cause us to scream with laughter. The scene also brings a smile to Bree’s face, as she set the whole thing up with the help of a friend from her church.

The next day, Renee confronts Bree, who decides she no longer wishes to fight for Keith’s affections. Aww, that’s no fun. Renee realizes that Bree really likes this guy. She promises to back off and encourages her neighbor to go for what she wants. Renee has another reason for throwing in the towel. She says, “Based on my dinner under the rainbow last night, I think I’d rather have you as a friend than an enemy.” Smart woman.