Desperate Housewives
Episode 83

Title: Hello, Little Girl
Season: 4
Episode #: 4.13
Episode: 83
First Air Date: April 27, 2008 (9pm)
Writer: Susan Nirah Jaffee & Jamie Gorenberg
Director: Bethany Rooney
DVD- Desperate Housewives: The Complete Fourth Season
Guest Stars:
Jason Gedrick as Rick Coletti
Gary Cole as Wayne Davis
Archie Kao as Steve
Keith Mackechnie as Detective Bryant
Pablo Espinosa as detective #1
John Petrelli as Detective Anson

Fan Rating: ??/10 (Average of all fan submitted ratings)


Katherine and Bree decide to start a business together; Lynette tries to deny her feelings for another man; Mike learns the truth about his nearly fatal accident.

(From ABC)
Bree and Katherine decide to start a business together, Lynette tries to deny her feelings for another man and Mike learns the truth about his nearly fatal accident.

(Recap From ABC)
The Founders' Ball was such a success, Katherine and Bree's services are requested by another client and Katherine talks Bree into starting an event-planning business together.

Dylan is pulled over by a cop who tells her she failed to slow down when passing a construction site. After examining her driver's license, he lets her off with a warning. When he gets back into the squad car, we see the newspaper with the circled photo of Dylan at the Founders' Ball. He shows up later at the park, saying he wants to talk with her. He admits he tracked her down after seeing her picture n the paper. And then he drops the bombshell: he's Wayne Davis, her father.

At a local diner, he admits that he beat her mother, but says that Katherine "gave as good as she got." When Dylan is skeptical, he says he only wanted to make sure she turned out okay and he'll be on his way as he doesn't want to upset her mother. Dylan says Katherine doesn't have to know.

Dylan offers to run errands for Katherine, but she suspects her daughter of having an ulterior motive. Dylan assures her she just wants to help out now that Adam's gone and Katherine believes her. Of course, Dylan's really meeting her father.

Carlos brings home Roxy, his new service dog, and the trainer thinks Gabrielle is joking when she asks if the dog will do things like fetch the remote. She walks off in a huff when she learns Roxy is just there to help Carlos get around. Roxy takes an instant dislike to Gabrielle as well and growls when Gabrielle yells at him. When she finds Roxy on the bed with Carlos, she demands he choose and he chooses the dog.

She retaliates by luring Roxy into her car with her favorite treats and bringing her back to the training center. She tells the trainer that Roxy and Carlos didn't get along. She lies to Carlos that Roxy ran away but Roxy has already followed her home.

Edie shows up to deliver doggie biscuits because Carlos doesn't trust Gaby to do it. Edie warns her that if she doesn't start treating her husband right, there'll be plenty of other women who will. That night finds both Gaby and Roxy in bed with Carlos.

Suspecting it was Tom who torched Rick's restaurant, Lynette quizzes her husband about his whereabouts during the Founders' Ball. He assures her it wasn't him, but she's not convinced.

Rick confronts Tom, asking why a Scavo pizzeria matchbook was found at his burned-out restaurant and they end up in a fistfight that lands them and Lynette at the local police station. While the police grill Tom, Rick tells Lynette that despite everything's that happened, he's glad to see her. She immediately interrupts Tom's interview to tell them Rick is the one who had a motive for revenge because she didn't have an affair with him. Instead of helping Tom out, she's just handed the cops another motive. She then suggests maybe Rick did it to frame Tom but Rick has an alibi. Tom's only alibi is he snuck away from the ball to listen to a game on the radio, so Lynette lies and says she saw him there.

Rick can't believe that the police are going to let Tom go, based on Lynette's say-so. Lynette swears to Rick that she would never lie to protect Tom if she thought he'd done something so terrible. In the car, she tells Tom she knows he was lying and he counters that he knows she was lying about sleeping with Rick. She insists that nothing ever happened between them, so he repeats that he was not the one who set the fire.

The twins want to know why Tom is sleeping on the couch again and she tells him that they're fighting over something Daddy did. They tell her not to be mad at Tom -- they're the ones who set the fire because they were worried Rick would take her away from them.

Susan's hormones are making her cry at the drop of a hat. When Mike returns from rehab, his pointing out that he prefers potatoes au gratin to baked potatoes sends her running off in tears. Julie takes the opportunity to tell Mike about Orson's sleepwalking confession, a secret she's kept from Susan so far. Mike tells her it probably means nothing but goes to ask Orson about it. He is astonished when Orson breaks down and confesses all. That night, Susan takes it personally when Mike doesn't want to have sex so he tells her what's troubling him, as long as she promises to let him handle it on his own.

Instead, Susan barges straight into the Hodges' house and orders Orson to stay away from her family. She tells a shocked Bree that it was Orson who ran over Mike and that the worst part is that he pretended to be their friend in the meantime. Bree can only look at Orson in horror after Susan and Mike leave.

The next day, Susan tells Mike she'd rather move than have to live across from Orson. Mike tells her he's decided to forgive Orson but he understands if she can't. Susan goes to Bree to tell her she's willing to drop what Orson did for the sake of their friendship, but that it's going to be very hard. Bree tells her there's no need. As Orson leaves the house with a packed suitcase, Bree says she thinks it's admirable that Susan can forgive Orson, because she can't.