Grey's Anatomy Theme: Cosy in the Rocket by Psapp
Melanie Fiona, "Bang Bang"
Derek tires on ties. Meredith doesn't like the "Chief" situation. Owen and Cristina have sex. Alex, Lexie, Jackson, Reed, and Charles talk about Derek. Leslie wakes up in surgery. Meredith calms her. Bailey yells at the anesthesiologist.
Nellie McKay, "Do Do Do"
Meredith treats Christina. Alex and Lexie tease her. Owen ignores Teddy. Teddy is disappointed in Jackson about Cristina.
Swimming in Speakers, "In Knowing"
Mark, Derek, and Owen play basketball. Meredith asks Richard for Advice.
Minuit, "I'm Still Dancing"
Brad starts crashing. Alex cuts into his chest. Ted and Alex rush Brad into surgery. Owen and Cristina have sex. Teddy pages Cristina. Owen convinces her to stay.
Fay Wolf, "Yours"
Owen promises to never take a part of Cristina again. Mark lies in bed with Callie and Arizona. Richard gives Derek signed papers.
Alicia Keys, "Wait Til You See My Smile"
Bailey encourages Richard to stop fighting. Arizona tells Alex to apologize. Derek reassures the residents that they have his trust. Derek apologizes to Leslie. Derek talks to Megan and April about their jobs. Lexie cries.
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Derek faces a lawsuit on his first day as interim chief when a patient awakens from anesthesia during surgery; Mark refuses to speak to Lexie.
(From ABC)
As Derek begins his role as interim chief, he faces a potential lawsuit when Bailey and Meredith’s patient awakens from anesthesia mid-surgery. Meanwhile, Teddy refuses to place Cristina on her service, as Arizona tests Alex out in Pediatrics, and Mark refuses to speak to a heartbroken Lexie.
Derek and Larry Jennings, the chairman of the hospital board, present Richard with two options: Retirement or rehab. "Sober up, you get out, you have your job waiting," Derek promises him, but Richard takes his time making the decision.
We gasp in horror when a patient wakes up during abdominal surgery. Miranda freaks out and begins shouting at the anesthesiologist, Ben. They manage to put her back under, but the patient remembers everything, including Miranda's panic. She refuses to let MIranda operate on her again; instead, she wants Meredith, who had stayed calm during the incident.
Meredith isn't sure she's ready to go solo, but Miranda assures her she's ready, adding that the last time Richard mentored anyone, it was her. The surgery goes well and we're loving the flirty vibe between Ben and Miranda.
Alex does a rotation in peds with Arizona, and she declares he has a talent for it, if he can just learn the line between advocating for the patient and yelling at the parents!
Mark refuses to speak to Lexie, so she asks Callie to talk to Mark for her. Mark won't listen to her either when she calls him a hypocrite, or to Derek, who tells him that "the Karev thing is forgivable."
Teddy avoids Cristina at work, while Owen won't leave her alone! The two are having sex at every opportunity. Jackson's been on Teddy's rotation, but when an emergency occurs, Teddy pages Cristina. Owen begs Cristina not to go, so she doesn't. Teddy chews her out later and Cristina promises it won't happen again. "What are you trying to do to me?" she asks Owen. She accuses him of "trying to screw me into submission." He insists he was just trying to connect with her. He's upset that he didn't even know about Burke until someone else told him. She explains that with Burke, "I wasn't Cristina Yang anymore. I lost myself for a long time." She tells him she loves him, but, "when you asked me to ignore Teddy's page, you took a piece of me and I let you and that will never happen again."
Richard tells Miranda that going to rehab is admitting that Derek and Larry were right. "The best way to beat them is to stop fighting them," she tells him. "You go get better, you be the chief." We're very happy when Richard takes her advice.
Miranda offers advice to Derek that an apology will prevent the lawsuit from the patient who woke up, so he apologizes to the patient, and also to Richard.
Derek tells the staff, "I am neither pro or anti merger. From this point on, everyone has a clean slate."