The Guardian- Season One

Episode: 11

Production #: 111

First Air Date: December 18, 2001

Writer: David Hollander & Alfonso H. Moreno

Director: Oz Scott

Guest Stars:

Erik Knudsen as Hunter Reed
Anna Gunn as Megan Barstow
Kathleen Chalfant as Laurie Solt
Polly Draper as Meryl Dimetrio
Tom Amandes as Dr. Thomas Reed
Lawrence Pressman as Donald Sample
Connor O'Farrell as ?
Irene Roseen as Phyllis Sample
John Combs as Judge Kaplan
Lisa Long as Christina Whittenburg
Christopher Holloway as Jeff Harisk
Bob Fimiani as Alfred Connor
Mack Dryden as Judge Franklin
Angela Sargeant as Judge Sulton
Jay Brown as Jury Foreperson #2
Gwen Stewart as Jury Foreperson

Fan Rating: 10/10 (Average of all fan submitted ratings)


Nick Fallin is reinstated as Hunter Reed's guardian as Hunter's father, Dr. Thomas Reed, is released from Southwestern Psychiatric care facility. Nick must fight for Hunter's wishes to be returned to his father's custody. However, the matter is complicated by a potential conflict of interest in the civil lawsuit against the pharmaceutical company -- the conflict comes as a result of the fact that Burton Fallin represents Donald Sample, Hunter's grandfather while Nick represents Hunter and works for Kirk & McGee, the firm representing the pharmaceutical company. Meanwhile, Alvin Masterson is defending his ex-wife, Meryl Dimetrio, in a wrongful termination case against American Friction Corporation, represented by Burton Fallin. But, just as in the past, Meryl's lies come between them and the case.

©2001 Almost Human