The Guardian- Season 2
You Belong to Me

Episode: 34

Production #: 234

First Air Date: January 7, 2003



Guest Stars:

Bruce A. Young as Albert Gregg
Richard Anthony Crenna as Bill Plunkett
Denise Y. Dowse as Judge Rebecca Damsen
Corey Feldman as Gavin Putinski
Nicholas K. Gilhool as Michael Campbell
Joyce Guy as Janet Gregg
Dorothea Harahan as Gretchen
Sharon Johnston as Marsha Medoff
Andy Kreiss as Daniel Birge
Katherine La Nasa as Kim McPherson
Geoffrey Lewis as Mr. Copeland
David Mersault as Gene Everton
Johnny Sneed as Brian Olson
Mickey Toft as Kyle Plunkett
Stephanie Venditto as Sharon Plunkett

Fan Rating: 10/10 (Average of all fan submitted ratings)


(From TV Guide)
While Brian is away in New Mexico, Lulu (Wendy Moniz) becomes the target of a mysterious caller who then breaks into her home, prompting Nick to become protective. Also: Nick represents a boy whose potentially abusive father wants custody. Albert Gregg: Bruce A. Young. Burton: Dabney Coleman. Jake: Raphael Sbarge

(From Sony)
While trying to keep former child actor Gavin Putinski from being kicked out of his house by his parents, Lulu Olsen finds herself in danger when her belongings start disappearing from the LSP office. Meanwhile, Burton Fallin butts heads with his son and Jake Straka over conflicts of interest at the firm. Burton also finds himself in court, opposite Alvin Masterson, representing the city in a fight to tear down an aviary in a grieving husband's backyard. At the same time, Nick Fallin defends a child caught in a bitter custody dispute between two abusive parents.

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