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Violet looks to Sheldon for advice after a patient makes a chilling confession; Addison tries to hide her grief; Cooper and Charlotte adjust to their new life; Sam confronts Sheldon.
(Preview From ABC)
After hearing a patient's chilling confession, Violet turns to Sheldon for advice. Meanwhile, Addison tries to keep her grief a secret, Cooper and Charlotte adapt to their new reality and Sam confronts Sheldon about his denial.
(Recap From ABC)
Violet is taking part in a grief therapy group. In addition to dealing with a move out of her old house, she's been fielding difficult questions from Lucas. He wants to see his daddy. At work, Violet has a patient named Adam who has anger issues. She believes that guilt may be a trigger for him. This theory picks up steam once Adam admits he shot someone 11 years ago. He was 18 and it was a botched robbery. Adam didn't stick around long enough to find out what happened to his victim.
Violet asks for Sheldon's advice regarding her patient. She's told to NOT dig into the case. If she does, she won't be able to do her job effectively. As you may have guessed, Violet digs anyway. She discovers that the guy Adam shot was a husband and father of two. She also learns he didn't survive. Violet now has trouble looking at Adam the same way. She needs to walk away from this patient.
Sam is reluctant to give Stephanie the 411 on his past. Addison is also being evasive with Jake, who knows she's been crying behind closed doors. She feels like she's cheating on her new love because she can't stop falling apart over her past love, Mark Sloan. As for Sam, he gets testy with Stephanie when she jokes about the fact that she doesn't know anything about him.
Addison believes Jake is a saint for how patient he's being with her. She doesn't want him to look at her differently if she reveals her somewhat unflattering past. Still, Jake wants to know what's going on with her. He makes it clear that he's getting frustrated. Jake even turns to Sam for help. This request for assistance is politely declined, but Sam later ends up telling Addison to talk to Jake. He also follows his own advice by finally opening up to Stephanie.
Cooper is desperately trying to get Charlotte to slow down at work. After all, she's in her 12th week of carrying three little "Cooplets" in her belly. Cooplets, by the way, is what Cooper is calling their triplets. Charlotte needs to hire someone for the ER. She confides in Violet that she misses Pete. He looked out for her. He was like her work husband. Violet presents her with Pete's stethoscope and lets her know that it's okay to hire an ER doc to replace him.
Sheldon is ticked that Sam gave him a test that revealed he may have prostate cancer. He would have rather not known such a thing. When his dad found out he had the same affliction, he gave up on life. Sheldon doesn't want the same thing to happen to him. In other news, Cooper gets ticked when Charlotte falls asleep at the hospital leaving him with no idea where she was. Charlotte later hires a new ER doc and will allow Cooper the opportunity to talk to her belly once a day. No kissing though.
Addison lets Jake know that she loved Mark Sloan. This is something that happened while she was still married. She says she's a cheater. Jake corrects her. He believes she's a person who cheated, but that doesn't make her a cheater. There's a difference. Jake also says he's sorry that a man she loved died. He's sorry for her loss. Maybe the guy really is a saint.
Violet continues to see Adam as a patient. She completely loses it during one of their sessions telling the guy that he did a terrible thing. He can't be okay with that. Adam breaks down in tears. Violet apologizes for letting her needs blend with his. She wants him to see a new therapist. She also relays some advice Charlotte gave her about living one's amends. Doing that will ultimately set you free.
Violet learns that Amelia has been sending her coworkers into her office with tea at different times as part of her babysitting plot. Amelia lets her friend know that in the beginning everyone is there, but then life goes on. Violet never does figure out a way to explain to Lucas that he can't ever see his father again. Turns out she doesn't have to. While getting tucked into bed, Lucas says "I love you" to his daddy while looking up toward heaven. Lucas has reached the acceptance stage of grieving. This is something that just breaks his mother's heart.