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While interviewing potential replacements for Naomi, the doctors at Oceanside Wellness don't understand Addison's resistance to hiring Jake Reilly; Cooper disregards the law as he tries to help a young, sick patient.
(Preview From ABC)
The Oceanside Wellness doctors interview potential replacements for Naomi, including Jake Reilly, and no one understands Addison's resistance to hiring him; Cooper breaks the law and crosses his wife, Charlotte, in an effort to get cord blood for a young, sick patient; and Pete directs his post-heart attack frustrations towards Violet.
(Recap From ABC)
Our favorite Oceanside docs are holding interviews to fill Naomi's post. A multitude of applicants come marching through the door and every single one of them goes marching right back out. Nobody seems to be a good fit. Enter Dr. Jake Reilly, who immediately recognizes one of his interviewers. No, we're not talking about Addison. Apparently, Jake used to play intramural basketball with Sam back in the day. Small world, right?
Everyone is gaga over the charming Dr. Reilly. He even gives the group some solid advice on how to handle their issues with the medical board. Sounds like a great guy, right? Wrong, according to Addison. She confides in Violet that Jake is the Fiji guy she almost ran off with at the airport. Ah.
Cooper treats a special young girl named Kerri who is battling leukemia. Her only option for survival is a cord blood transfusion. There aren't any matches in the public donor bank, so Cooper hacks into Charlotte's computer to find a match in the confidential private bank. He contacts a family who lost a son in a car accident years ago. They've been keeping his cord blood in case their other son ever needs it.
Cooper uses the cord blood without the family's consent. The father is furious, as is Charlotte. Her hubby broke the law and her trust. Coop goes on a drinking binge while shooting pool with Sam and Jake, who still hopes to get a job with these guys. Cooper says the key to getting hired is winning over Sam's girlfriend. It soon becomes clear to Jake that Addison is the girlfriend of which he speaks.
Charlotte invites the parents who had their child's cord blood stolen to the hospital where they run into Kerri's dad. Coincidence? We think not. As you can imagine, Kerri's dad is incredibly grateful once he finds out who these people are. He invites them over to meet the little girl whose life they saved. Thanks to Charlotte, Cooper is off the hook. But she promises to call the cops on her hubby if he ever tries anything like this again.
Pete's sick of daytime television, so he's headed back to the office. Violet is returning to work, too. She can't see patients, but she can help sift through all the resumes. She can also keep an eye on Pete, who must take a slew of post-heart attack pills every day for the next year. He's not thrilled about that, or the fact that his wife has nominated herself as his personal nursemaid.
Pete is angry at Addison for turning his office into a storage unit. Sheldon wants the gang to give their friend time to work past his frustration. That may take awhile judging by the way he blows up at Violet in front of all his colleagues. At home, Violet tells Pete that she can't be his therapist, but she also can't be his punching bag. He needs help for whatever he's going through.
Amelia has been sober for 30 days even though she just had a noisy housewarming party. A naked Addison and Sam see a hot-looking guy slinking away early the next morning. Then Amelia sees a naked Addison and Sam peering out the window. She's renting Addy's place since her landlord recently moved out to move in with her boyfriend.
Charlotte still isn't letting Amelia back on the surgical schedule. Sheldon tries to convince Charlotte to reconsider. Amelia volunteered to take a breathalyzer test, so that's just what Charlotte makes her do. It's clean, so Amelia is back on the job. Unfortunately, she celebrates this by drinking a bottle of wine alone in the dark.
Addison has been seeing a therapist. She talks about how she lost her battle to find love with Derek. Hey, at least she fought the good fight. Addy is pressing forward with her fertility plans. That means Sam needs to start wearing condoms so he doesn't become the father. As for the Jake situation, Addison decided to hire him after all. She tells her therapist that for the first time in a long time, she's happy. Good to hear.