Private Practice: Best Episodes Poll

Which are your favorite episodes of Private Practice?

Almost Human's Top 5

  1. In Which We Meet Addison, A Nice Girl From Somewhere Else
  2. In Which Addison Finds a Showerhead
  3. In Which Charlotte Goes Down the Rabbit Hole
  4. In Which Sam Receives an Unexpected Visitor...
  5. In Which Addison Finds the Magic

These are the newest 10 lists that have been submitted, from newest to oldest

Patty Watson's Top 5 (Lansdowne, PA USA)

  1. In Which We Meet Addison, A Nice Girl From Somewhere Else
  2. Let It Go
  3. Love Bites
  4. Aftershock
  5. The Other Side of This Life (2 hr Grey's Anatomy Episode)

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