Daytime Soap Operas
Sunset Beach Fan Fiction

Chapter 13

Rating: PG

Disclaimer: Sunset Beach belongs to Aaron Spelling and NBC. This fanfic is purely for fans entertainment.

Meg: "Ben...Its just been so hard for me the past few months and I don't know how much more I can take..."

Ben: "Things are going to change around here. I promise you that with all of my heart, Meg".

Meg: "OK, I'll stay but on one condition".

Ben: "Anything".

Meg: "Maria has to move out in the next month or else I will move out and this time I won't be back". She felt awful speaking to Ben like this but she knew it was the only way to get through to him.

Ben was surprised by Meg's condition but he knew she was asking him to do this because she was scared.

Ben: "She'll be gone before the end of the month Meg. I'm going to make sure of that". And he was determined that he wouldn't break this promise to Meg. He knew that her car accident could have been more serious and he could have lost her and he would never have gotten the chance to tell her how much he loved her and he was determined that she wouldn't be hurt again by him.

Meg: "Well, I think I'll unpack my things. When are you and Maria going to talk to Tess? When she gets home or are you waiting until Benjy goes to bed?"

Ben: "Well, I would like to talk to her as soon as possible. Would you like to take care of Benjy for awhile or do you want to get some rest?"

Meg was tired but she wanted Tess out of her house immediately. She didn't like or trust the woman and even though Benjy pushed Meg away whenever he got the chance, Meg didn't like the idea of Tess taking care of Benjy. She had seen how sweet Benjy could be to everyone else and she had wanted to get close to him so many times but every time she walked into the room, Benjy became defensive and wanted nothing to do with her. It had made her want to cry with pain and frustration but she had always kept it inside for Ben's sake but maybe it was time to stop puttingon a brave face for Ben. If he truly loved her, then he would support her through this horrible situation with Benjy.

Meg: "Ben, I'll take care of Benjy but when Tess goes, I want you to talk to Benjy and make him realise that I'm not a threat to him. I know I'm making a lot of demands on you all at once but I think its time everything was talked about in this house. No more secrets and no more anger."

Ben: "Meg, you're not making any demands on me. You're trying to make things better for all of us. I'm glad that you are finally telling me how you really feel. Sometimes I get the feeling that you..."

Meg said softly: "What Ben?"

Ben: "Nothing, it doesn't matter."

Meg: "No Ben. Tell me what you were going to say".

Ben: "Sometimes I get the feeling that you don't tell me the full truth about your feelings because you're afraid I won't be there for you. And I know thats my fault. In the past whenever you have tried to fully open up to me, I have pushed you away or something has happened to make you doubt my love. But Meg, you have to understand I love you with all of my heart and I want you to always be honest with me. I hate when you go to Casey when you are upset and you talk to him about your problems and then I find out about it weeks later after he has helped you. I know you two are friends but I'm going to be your husband and sometimes I get the feeling that you would rather go to him than me".

Meg was surprised, confused and touched at the same time. She had no idea that Ben felt like this and in a weird sort of way it made her happy to know that Ben was jealous. She had been a little jealous of how close Ben and Maria had gotten recently and it was nice to know that Ben still appreciated her.

Meg: "Ben, its true that sometimes I do go to Casey first but not because I want to. Its because I feel I have no other choice. You're right, whenever I'm insecure I go to Casey because I'm afraid you won't be there for me but Ben you have to know that I would rather be with you. Sometimes, when I come home after a hard day at work I want to talk to you about it but you seem to be so busy lately and not just with Benjy. With work, with Maria. I... I have just felt that if I was gone, you wouldn't even notice."

Ben: You know thats not true. Do you know how much I love you? I refuse to lose you over this Meg! I love you and nothing is going to stop us being together but I need you to love me back Meg. I want to talk to you about everything Meg, the good things and the bad."

Meg laughed: "Even about how jealous I am now that Jennifer Aniston has Brad Pitt?"

Ben smiled: "Yes, even that."

Meg: "Ben, you know that I never meant to make you feel second best to Casey. I love you and I never want you to doubt that but it seems like we have stuck in limbo the past few months".

Ben: "I know you love me Meg. You have shown me that over and over again. And I will always love you."

They both heard noises downstairs and could hear Tess and Benjy talking about the movie they had seen. Meg and Ben went downstairs. Ben told Tess that as soon as Maria came home, the three of them needed to sit down and talk. Ben told Benjy that Meg was going to take him out for some ice-cream. For once Benjy didn't look annoyed and willingly took Meg's hand when they left to go to the Shockwave. Tess went upstairs and called Derek to let him know that Ben and Maria wanted to talk to her. Derek told her not to panic and said he would call his friend Jake from Seattle to come to Sunset Beach to help make sure that Ben and Meg would break up very soon.

A little while later Maria came home. Ben called Tess downstairs and the three of them stood looking at each other, each with their own hopes, dreams and plans and each determined to get their own way.